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After writings written,and yellow Higashiyama not happy even Zuidou Long, the ink not yet dry on the hurriedly caught in his hand, for fear flew away. The past few years has finally broken out by too foul smells, and the heart indescribably happy.also immediately ordered the release, while the bodies of the deceased are also given fut 14 coins, moved back to Christian Louboutin Outlet the burial. Wang Xingzu with two sons and their dejected fifa coins online villagers, carrying the bodies of water when leaving the village, Shang Yi led the regiment just in time for the completion of today's practice back.The two sides also formed the ethos of a very sharp contrast. Royal Datun villagers one by one all Dizhaonaodai simply are afraid and regiment Cheongju water village in the eye. It is thanks to this time defeated Royal Datun victory, thanks to the village 's water mission soldiers also Shang Yi to head in admiration, but also to understand the advantage of fighting as a team. Originally scheduled for Shang Yi resigned training content as well as a slight, but now all honestly, really serious to complete. After a while this village fighting, Cheongju water for the villagers of martial arts groups, security guard village people also have a deeper understanding, but also know the militia is to protect their vital interests.

So there are some groups do not participate in the fut 14 coins military exercises of the villagers also have taken the initiative to sign up, finally all in the prime of life in the village all gathered up. A total of seven hundred thirty three. And a long time, the villagers have also found that Shang Yi people is actually very good, although a high fifa coins martial arts training time is also extremely severe, but usually with very kind people, and who can talking and laughing. And deal with things, work is also very fair reward over punishment, while not close group of soldiers honor money. These points are much stronger than the previous Markov brothers.

And afterand Huang Dongshan back to the village, one side is received Royal Datun to land encroachment, the village side also mobilize to defeat this time fresh water village Datun royal stories to teach the villagers, only every one people in action, together, in order to defend their village safe and protect their fields are not being invaded. Under the strong persuasion fifa coins online octagonal platform Tuncun village and ten young adults are also enrolled in the militia. Octagonal desk village three hundred thirty-seven, one thousand four hundred and six people, young adults have four hundred and sixteen, ten Tuncun have three hundred seventy-two, one thousand six hundred eighty-three people, there are five hundred seventy-three young people.

